17 August 2005

Dungeon Siege II

Seeing the title in the game stores made me feel like killing more Orcs for some loot...
Microsoft’s Role-Playing Game Dungeon Siege II the sequel to the best-selling RPG from Gas Powered Games..Finally has made its place in my hard drive..oh sweet game..It’s been a Year since I vanquished the evil that plagued the Land of Ehb, and now…a new menace has awakened.looks like Im going to have a wield a sword & use a dash of magic to destroy my enemies...What made my eyes open was the new character skills and improved AI of those pesky monsters..Items and side quests are more improved..including some rare items..Gaspowered games coporation has also added some cinematics for your viewing plesaure..oh and did I mention the game a mature rating for raw violence & gore..yup..because unlike dungeon siege..this game makes blood more realistic sans the rating.

The drawback for me is though the graphics needs some solid 3d games engine..Its still lacking the punch for those awesome jaw dropping scences I know im missing..oh well time will come...for now what fate will befall the Second Age of Man? The time for judgment is nigh.
Game on!

Dungeon Siege II Now Available
(Ps: Click the Box art if you want to buy the game)


Kindurco said...

Nice picture promethius, have you checked out my friend's site at www.zeppellina.blogspot.com

She does some beautiful drawings - not quite as complicated as the 'science fantasy style' - but interesting.
Thanks for dropping by my site too.

Fred said...

I have to go now, my dog is looking at the computer in a strange way. Must be the music...

(Great post!)

Prométhiûs said...

Kindurco:Yah will check it out...thx for the link

Fred:Ur dog must be feeling the evil...get that sword ready!

PBS said...

Game on!

SquirrleyMojo said...

the pic's a little disturbing: sex and violence all wrapped into one . . .

Mauser*Girl said...

Yup, being in Malaysia would make it hard for you to come to DC for the Freedom Walk. ;)

Nice blog, by the way!

Lavinia said...

What a cool blog.

Dude, I used to spend so much time playing Legends of Arana, I love Dungeon Siege. Thatnx so much for visiting my blog. I'll mos def be back.

Those are some gorgeous pics by the way.


S.Klassen said...

Sounds like alot of fun, hopefully longer than the last one.

Dina R. D'Alessandro said...

Hey, there,

Sorry to write back via your blog entry, but I was having trouble replying to your comment on my blog re: garlic bread as a side dish to the carrot soup.

Truthfully, the soup's on the sweet side and might clash with the bitterness of the garlic. I'd suggest crusty bread slightly smeared with goat cheese instead. Yum!

Mike said...

Raw violence and gore you say? Count me in!

Lillee said...

I am more of a HEORES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC gal.

Lillee said...
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saurav said...

thanx for visiting my blog....hope to see you again....
thanx for let us know about this game..
keep it up..

Jim said...

Click the Box art if you want to buy the game)

u must be crazier than u look
we indians never buy games or any software
when it can be pirated

the last book i can remember buying was 'Snow white and the seven dwarfs'