16 June 2005

A Silly Dream this Afternoon..

Today I was sleeping after a long day of Exams...
For all who don't know I do Exams as a Hobby..Hehe..Ok back to the topic..
vague dreams started filling my head..First I woke in a park filled with flowers...Walking and saw people in black and white like in your old cowboy movies..Heck I think the next minute I was a deserted road with a long stretch of Tarmac road and no living soul on sight..Until my sister popped out from nowhere and showed me a sign of hope..She told me as quoted:

Meena:''My dear brother..Fear not..For you are not lost..U are trapped in a realm where are two routes..Go backwards and you will not return..Go forward and you reach your helpfulness to get out of this place''

Me:''ok thanks..So what is this helpline?"

she points to a blue sign board which suddenly appears..
My hope sinks..Cause the sign board says:

After that..I walked onwards and and the desert slowly faded away..Lush trees..Conifer types started appearing..The air became misty, the weather was even worst..Boy I was shivering & soon enough another sigh board appeared..

Now I didn't know what Houghton meant..But End of the earth looked more familiar to me..
I trudged along..And suddenly fell into a spiraling abyss of darkness...
Next minute I was down on the floor..I woke up..Must have fallen off..Rubbed my eyes and shaked my head...This was just silly dream I thought..Indeed it was..

Any of Bloggers had a Vague dream like this?


Bibilui said...

did u always drop off from ur bed? LOL .. well its a weird dream but i think it should be contain some msg for u?

Anonymous said...

A dream like that would make me swallow an entire bottle of No Doze to avoid ever sleeping again.