09 June 2005


Seeing the trailer a long time ago..In the year 2003..to be more precise..I had this feeling that this movie will be a hit...Yes it was..a smooth swishing,fast paced action with blood ozzing out from every corner..this movie had the all plus points..samurai based action, cool stunts and wonderful music..
Meet the Bride a.k.a the black mamba [the code name for the Divas*]
She was the former lover of Bill.Now why does she go out for revenge?
Lets travel back to the past..Texas.In a rural chapel we see a grisly scence..
An entire wedding party slaughtered during a dress rehearsal..
All the other members of Divas including her former mentor bill..starts a shooting spree in the chapel..and left only the pregant bride for the dead to take her..she soon falls into a coma.
Four years pass...
she wakes up from a shock to find herself in hospital..and thats were the real story begins..
Now im not going to tell the whole story..just watch it..if u haven't, I be there next to you with a katana..ready for a kill!
*Divas:the Deadly Viper Assination Squad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the ending to Kill Bill Vol. 2 was a big let down. The fight seem between Beatrice and Bill should have been epic. Instead it was more like two senior citizens squabbling over the last bowl of oatmeal.